The College Park City – University Partnership is a model community development organization known for the success of its initiatives and collaborations.
The Partnership catalyzes the ambitions of the City and University to create a thriving, equitable, and sustainable community for all.
The Partnership recognizes the success of the City of College Park and the University of Maryland are linked.
We advance initiatives and policies to make College Park a more thriving, equitable and sustainable community for all.

University-Community Vision 2030
Neighborhood Preservation & Development
The College Park Community is a vibrant, growing, and sustainable community of stable neighborhoods, equitable and diverse businesses, development and housing with strong employment opportunities and parks and recreation for all.
Transportation & Mobility
College Park has a robust system of safe streets, bikeable and walkable trails, optimized parking options, and excellent access to public transit for all.
K-12 Education
College Park is a leader in Pre-K through 12 public, independent, and parochial education by attracting and retaining diverse families and strong educators.
Public Health & Safety
College Park is a healthy and safe Community for all residents, employees, students, and visitors.