Vision 2030 Strategy Area and Committees

Equity and Sustainability will run through each of the four focus areas of Vision 2030. Sustainability has both environmental and economic dimensions, such as preserving and strengthening existing neighborhoods and their natural environments, creating walkable and bikeable environments, fostering a safe and healthy community, and expanding educational opportunities for all. Equity, a value, and principle of justice, means that our work will consider communities that have not enjoyed the same opportunities as others in the past and that our work will seek to benefit all people, particularly those who have been historically marginalized. This value will be integrated into all four Strategic Areas. It is an important foundation for the continued collaborative action in our community.

The Housing and Development Committee works to create a vibrant, growing, and sustainable community of stable neighborhoods, equitable and diverse businesses, development, and housing with strong employment opportunities and parks and recreation for all. 

Committee Membership

Chairs: Ken Ulman, Partnership Board Member and President of Terrapin Development Company, LLatetra Brown Esters, District II Council Member, City of College Park

Committee Work Plan 2023
  • Strengthen neighborhood preservation 
  • Create a Community Preservation Trust 
  • Continue to develop the existing Live + Work program  
  • Develop a consumer rating of student rental housing 
  • Increase the maintenance of neighborhood properties in good condition 
  • Attract new sustainable development and professional employment 
  • Collaborate with Terrapin Development Company, Prince George’s County, and other partners to attract new development and employers 
  • Increase transit-oriented development 
  • Create more “walkable mixed-use nodes” 
  • Develop marketing strategies 
  • Develop marketing strategies 
  • Attract new development, employment opportunities 
  • Encourage employees, graduate students and alumni of UMD to live and work in College Park 
  • Improve green infrastructure and placemaking 
  • Increase existing tree canopy 
  • Develop targeted waste and recycling strategies for residences, offices and retail businesses including composting 
  • Work toward net zero carbon emission by 2035/2040 
  • Enhance watershed restoration and stormwater management 
  • Enhance placemaking and public art (potential mural by City Hall – and other places!) 
  • Increase equity in housing and employment opportunities 
  • Increase affordable housing opportunities for students and fulltime residents 
  • Increase employment opportunities 
Committee Accomplishments

Some of our previous accomplishments include: 

  • Creation of a housing and development strategy in the University District 
  • Completed major student housing/mixed use projects west of Route 1 
  • Assemblage and redevelopment of “Knox box” properties; Terrapin Row 
  • Opening of mixed-use housing project for professionals (Domain & Aster) 
  • Developed Calvert Road School Building and City Hall options; both now open 
  • RISE Zone Legislation passed 
  • Terrapin Development Company launched 
  • Launched a Homeownership Program with dedicated DHCD/UMD/City funding; 78 homes; homebuyers participating in community consistently 
  • Koon’s Ford property demolished to make way for redevelopment; Cambria 
  • Hotel at UMD complete 
  • Placemaking success: Murals, Outdoor Performance Series 

The Partnership’s Education Committee is comprised of leaders from the University of Maryland, the City of College Park, PGCPS, and the Community. It is working to make sure College Park is a leader in Pre-K through 12 public, independent, and parochial education by attracting and retaining diverse families and strong educators. 

Committee Membership

Chairs: Denise Mitchell, District III, Council Member, City of College Park, Donna Wiseman, Current Faculty, Former Dean, UMD College of Education

Committee Work Plan 2023

2023 Work Plan: 

  • Begin developing “Teacher Next Door” incentives/program with PGCPS and other local schools (propose expanding the Homeownership Program to preK-12 teachers) 
  • Plan for marketing College Park’s preK-12 education story 
  • Receive quarterly updates on UMD Professional Development, CPA expansion, UMD Child Development Center and Monarch preschool 

Potential additional activities:  

  • Develop plan for strengthening family/home daycares in College Park 
  • Focus on before and after care programs for kids in College Park and determine next steps 
Committee Accomplishments
  • UMD Partnership with Paint Branch Elementary School provided the first Chinese Language instruction for elementary students in Prince George’s County 
  • College Park Academy, a rigorous college prep middle and high school, opened in 2013 
  • College Park Academy’s local catchment area was created in 2016/2017 
  • Childcare and K-12 Local Schools surveys completed between 2014-2017 
  • New Adelphi area Middle School and Cherokee Lane were in first public/private school construction plan 
  • Monarch Preschool and UMD Child Development Center opened in 2019/2020 
  • 15 of 15 local public PGCPS schools serving College Park families are MAEOE certified green schools 

The Transportation Committee works toward a robust system of safe streets, bikeable and walkable trails, optimized parking options, and excellent access to public transit for all.

Committee Membership

Committee Work Plan 2023

Committee Accomplishments
  • Route 1 Pedestrian Safety Improvements 
  • Expanded and improved bus service serving City and Route 1 
  • Expanded MARC Service on the Camden Line 
  • Lighting improvements in pedestrian areas underway 
  • Purple Line is moving forward 
  • Route 1 Rebuild funded 

College Park is safer — and perceived as safer — than most of the nation’s best college towns as well as those communities in the Washington, D.C., area where UMD faculty and staff currently live.

Committee Membership

At this time, the Partnership Board of Directors has put the Public Health and Safety Committee on hold for the current fiscal year.

Committee Work Plan 2023

At this time, the Partnership Board of Directors has put the Public Health and Safety Committee on hold for the current fiscal year.

Committee Accomplishments
  • Expanded UMD Student Code of Conduct throughout the City 
  •  Expansion of UMD Police Jurisdiction to more of the City 
  •  Public Safety Cameras implementation (55 cameras city-wide) 
  •  County Nuisance Board implemented 
  • Pilot Public Safety Ambassador Program Funded