‘The Last Goldfish’ made in 2024 by Andy Dahl. Photo by Andy Dahl.
Name: The Last Goldfish
Artist: Andy Dahl
Year: 2024
Materials: Wood, Paint, Lights, Pins
About the Artwork
‘The Last Goldfish’, made by artist Andy Dahl, shows goldfish under water. ‘The Last Goldfish’ was made to remind people of a story unique to College Park, Maryland. College Park, a city near Washington, D.C., is flat. When it rains, it often causes a flood. In College Park, people made lakes and ponds to catch water to help hold water from floods. Henry Bishop used the ponds to raise goldfish. He sold millions of goldfish to people all over the United States. He sold so many fish, people called him ‘The Goldfish King’!
What Does the Art Show?
The artwork has fish, leaves, bubbles made up of bright colors. At night, green, purple, and blue lights move over the wall. The moving colors make the illusion of an aquarium.
How is the Artwork Made?
This artwork is mixed media, which means it uses more than one material in a work of art. The fish, leaves, and bubbles are made of wood. They are painted with bright colors to add detail. Different-colored lights at night are a part of the work.
Word Bank
Flood: Cover a place (or area) with water.
Unique: A person, place, or thing that is the only one of its kind.
Illusion: A trick your eyes play on your brain, making you see something that isn’t actually there or making something look different than it really is.
Aquarium: A water tank where fish and other water creatures are kept.
Detail: a small piece of information a part of something bigger