Live+Work College Park Program is Live! 


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Launched in March of 2024, the Partnership’s newest program, Live + Work College Park, provides $20,000 in down payment and closing cost assistance to individuals who work full-time for a College Park employer.  

Live + Work College Park was crafted with the homebuyer in mind in response to an increasingly competitive housing market, we created this new and expanded program with the homebuyer in mind, and to encourage employees to live where they work. We’re excited to welcome even more residents to College Park, and show it is an ideal place to live, work, learn, and visit. Qualified Applicants meet the following criteria: 

• 18 years of age or older 
• Be employed by an employer in the city of College Park (newly-hired relocations can participate with documentation) 
• Purchase a home in College Park for use as primary residence 
• Not already own a home in College Park 
• Use loan funds only for downpayment and/or closing costs 
• Agree to follow program instructions and abide by all provisions of the loan  

*See Program Guidelines and Application for complete terms and conditions

If you want to learn more about the Live + Work Program, or want to talk with a Partnership Staff member, we’re hosting virtual information sessions every first and third Wednesday of each month. Those interested in participating may sign up via Eventbrite.

*Please note City of College Park and University of Maryland Employees are eligible to participate in Live + Work College Park.