Their labrador mix, Felix, is also taking a particular liking to the neighborhood’s transportation offerings – he really enjoys their daily walks on nearby trails and weekly visits to the neighborhood dog park.
David Varnado
min read
When Niranjana first relocated to College Park for a research position at the University of Maryland, she rented for about year and a half as she awaited her partner to join her in College Park. Upon his arrival, the pair decided they wanted to plant roots in the area long-term and began looking for a home in College Park. Niranjana described College Park as ‘amenity-rich’ and ‘highly accessible’, in contrast with other university communities she’s lived in. With just a ten-minute walk to the metro, her partner can easily commute to his job in D.C.
Their labrador mix, Felix, is also taking a particular liking to the neighborhood’s transportation offerings – he really enjoys their daily walks on nearby trails and weekly visits to the neighborhood dog park.
The Partnership’s Live+Work College Park Program provides $20,000 in down payment or closing cost assistance to individuals employed full-time by an employer based in College Park or The Discovery District.
To learn more about the Live+Work Program, visit our website, or sign up for a bi-weekly information session here.